The Inner Quest

In ancient myths and legends the inner journey is symbolized as a journey into a wilderness of some description. Any serious process of Self discovery and spiritual transformation requires you to remove yourself one way or another from the safe and familiar surroundings of community life. In Joseph Campbell’s words, you go in search of the ‘jewelled centre’ of your psyche: The goal… Read more


It is easier to sail many thousands of miles through cold and storms and cannibals…. Than it is to explore the private sea, the Atlantic and Pacific oceans of one’s being alone. Henry David Thoreau Meditation does not come easily in a Yang dominated culture like ours. Carl Jung warned against meditation as a spiritual practice for externalised Westerners. He felt that it… Read more

Four Week Breathing Program

For many years now I have been recommending a four week breathing program that uses the deep breathing technique offered on my CDs. The program invites you to take time out each day to do at least sixty rounds of a deep breathing pattern. You can count the rounds on your fingers. Ideally you do the practice lying on your back in your… Read more

A Spiritual Parable

If spiritual practices are working for you they bring a lightness of heart and a twinkle to the eye. Authentic spirituality is richly endowed with laughter. Tibetan lamas, for example, seem to exude infectious good humour as well as joy. The Dalai Lama certainly does. There is not doubt that one of the many qualities that endeared me to Samuel as a spiritual… Read more

A Good Night’s Sleep

Sleep, the innocent sleep, sleep that knits up the ravell’d sleeve of care! Shakespeare’s Macbeth Why is a good night’s sleep so elusive for so many people? There are many reasons but undoubtedly a significant factor is an overactive mind. Mental agitation of one kind of another causes a build up of stress in the body and inhibits the relaxation response. Body and… Read more